Week 25 symptom...my first true sleepless night. No matter what side I lie on, Emma is basically jumping on the mattress. Don't get me wrong...I love feeling all of her movements, but today I am pretty tired. I returned to class at SDSU last night and after 6 hours of learning after a long day at work, I was hoping to turn in early and have a peaceful night of sleep. Oh well. Now that I know what to expect for all of my classes, Larry and I will be signing up for some fun-filled baby classes soon that will work around my schedule. I have a final for one class scheduled on May 19th (yup, I'm still due on May 15th). Sounds like the professor will be flexible and allow me to take it early. I am bound and determine to graduate this semester, even if I am finishing projects on the way to the hospital!!
Update on this week's appointments...everything is looking spectacular. Emma is indeed still a girl, no doubt about it! She was very busy again during the ultrasound on Monday. She was engaged in her usual Tae Bo action and kicked the ultrasound wand every time the tech pressed down. Yup, that's my girl. She weighs in at a whopping 1 lb. 10 oz. (more or less) right now. She should be gaining 4-6 ounces per week in the coming weeks! I will post her super cute baby feet pics when I decided I'm not too lazy to do it!
My appointment today went well. Her heart is beautiful and strong and they were able to get the pics they needed from the ultrasound. I only gained 4 pounds this month. Woo hoo. That was even after devouring a delicious burrito right before my appointment. =) Doc says everything looks great and is on track just like it should be. I have to go in later this week to do my one hour glucose test for gestational diabetes and get some bloodwork done to see if I have built up any antibodies to her blood (this goes back to the whole Rh factor business I mentioned from my last appointment). Three doctors appointments in one week is a new record for me. I will wait patiently for my award. =) My hips hurt a bit more, as do my ribs and feet, but the aches and pains are still of such mild intensity that I feel like a whiner for even mentioning it.
I checked out a very promising day care on Monday (especially promising since my work covers 40% at this location!). We get priority on the wait list due to where I work. It made me sad to see these tiny babies being taken care of by someone that was not their mommy, but I know this is a reality that I have to cope with. At least Emma will be close to 3 months old before I have to drop her off. It is hard to think of giving your child to someone else to take care of before you even get a chance to meet her!
Well, she is still kicking rather actively as I type and lying awake in bed for nearly two hours has made me very aware of the fact that I'm hungry...again. Maybe if I feed this monkey she will go to sleep! Too bad a banana just does not sound so appetizing right now.
Awwww. She's a monkey too. I love it.
She isn't lazy!!
Untypical for us Tauruses.
Right, Sean? ;-)
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