Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Friday, January 2, 2009

Movin' on up....the alphabet!

Holy knockers Batman! Well, I have received several comments lately regarding this non-stop growing chest of mine! "Well, Maile, I'm not sure where you're putting those 18 pounds you've gained...except your chest." Yeah, thanks for noticing guys. I went bra shopping for the second time this pregnancy and have increased 4 inches (from a 36 to a 40! what the hell!?) and increased two cup sizes already. Sorry, boy blog-followers, if this is too much info, but this has been the major body change for me. And this is pre-lactating!? Good Lord, I can't wait to see if I can hit double letters of the alphabet! Yes, the belly is continuing to grow along with the chee-chees. I think once my belly gets bigger, my boobs won't look so much obviously larger.

Emma has been a very busy girl lately. I love feeling her move around. I have felt a few little kicks with my hand on the outside of my tummy, but as soon as I put Larry's hand there, she stops. Go figure, stubborn child of mine! I'm sure Larry will be able to feel her powerful punches in the next couple of weeks! We have started to talk about what we want to do with the nursery. We haven't made any big decisions but are both in agreement that Pepto pink is out of the question!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yah, congratulations on finding out. Love the name...and love reading your website. Happy New Year!
Erica Meza