When is Emma Coming?
Our Dear Family and Friends, Welcome to our website for Baby Lui! Since many of our family and friends live so far away and are unable to share in this amazing experience with us, we decided to follow in the footsteps of a close friend and keep a website to keep you updated on the progress of our little one! We are both very excited and look forward to sharing the next 9 months until the arrival of our bundle of joy in May! All our Love, Maile and Larry
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Early or Late?
The increase in contractions has made me start to wonder if Emma is going to arrive early or late. In class last night, I got mildly freaked out because they were coming more regularly. They weren't getting stronger or anything, but I thought it might be a good idea to start jotting down the time. 11 minutes. 6 minutes. 34 minutes. 21 minutes. 8 minutes. Phew no pattern! My classmate, and dear friend Laura, clearly noticed that I was grimacing and starting to look at my watch a lot and nonchalantly kicked my foot and whispered "Um, are you in freaking labor right now!!!?" "Naw, I'm good. I can make it through class until the quiz." It's been awhile since I posted a poll, so here's one just to humor me.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Doctor Appointment #578
I feel like if I am not at work or at school, then I have a doctor's appointment! I should have my own personal parking space by now. =) Anyways, the lil' meatball and I are doing well. My weight is still hanging out, blood pressure is great, Emma's heartbeat is nice and strong. They will start doing cervical checks next week (ugh!) since it does not appear as though the baby has "dropped" yet. The bagillion contractions are normal at this point and I should be "grateful for all the practice my uterus is getting". Ha. I am hoping my little germie children at work do not grace me with the swine flu. I am officially on modified work this week, so I should have minimal direct contact with kids. =) 18 days to go.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Practice, practice, practice
My uterus should be a pro by the time I really go into labor because I have been having so many dang Braxton Hicks contractions, it is ridiculous! Emma gets so grumpy after she is squeezed, so her kicks hurt more than the contractions. They aren't getting closer together, nor do they intensify so I know it is not true labor yet. This bun needs to cook for at least 2 more weeks until my last final is finished!
On a bright note, I had a meeting on Friday with my master's advisor and got my final revisions back for my project. After a few minor changes and binding, I will be finished! Yay! I cannot wait for school to be over. I don't think my stress level is going to go down until I have more things off my plate. Made many checkmarks on the to do list today.
Car seat (the bases at least) installed in the both cars....check
Pack n play assembled.....check
Paper/Video due on Tuesday.....check
Wash Emma's new blanket and clothes....check
Preggy photos with Larry down by the beach....check
Stuff for work....3/4 of a check
As productive as that may seem, here are the items still lingering on the to-do list...
Pack bag for the hospital
Revise master's project, get it bound, and turn it in
Three more projects for school to complete
One big final on May 6th
Complete stuff for work
Ugh, so much to do, so much to do. Most of the stuff is school related. Larry and I are ready for Emma, that's for sure. I wonder how I will handle real labor. I've been having Braxton Hicks on and off the whole time I've been typing this and man, they are just so annoying. They are almost as annoying as the amount of time that I spend in the bathroom lately! I don't think Emma has "dropped" yet either. I went to go pee in the bathroom in our room and I seriously had to pee again by the time I walked to the front of the house! Thank goodness for Costco supplies of toilet paper.....geez!
On a bright note, I had a meeting on Friday with my master's advisor and got my final revisions back for my project. After a few minor changes and binding, I will be finished! Yay! I cannot wait for school to be over. I don't think my stress level is going to go down until I have more things off my plate. Made many checkmarks on the to do list today.
Car seat (the bases at least) installed in the both cars....check
Pack n play assembled.....check
Paper/Video due on Tuesday.....check
Wash Emma's new blanket and clothes....check
Preggy photos with Larry down by the beach....check
Stuff for work....3/4 of a check
As productive as that may seem, here are the items still lingering on the to-do list...
Pack bag for the hospital
Revise master's project, get it bound, and turn it in
Three more projects for school to complete
One big final on May 6th
Complete stuff for work
Ugh, so much to do, so much to do. Most of the stuff is school related. Larry and I are ready for Emma, that's for sure. I wonder how I will handle real labor. I've been having Braxton Hicks on and off the whole time I've been typing this and man, they are just so annoying. They are almost as annoying as the amount of time that I spend in the bathroom lately! I don't think Emma has "dropped" yet either. I went to go pee in the bathroom in our room and I seriously had to pee again by the time I walked to the front of the house! Thank goodness for Costco supplies of toilet paper.....geez!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Week 36...Yep that means the 9th month has begun!
Yep, it's official. Emma is feeling so heavy now that I have to hold her up with my hands. =) Here I am with my meatball at 36 weeks. Can't believe we only have 4 more weeks to go. This is good, though, since I got a taste of a heat wave in San Diego today and I have much more love for those that are pregnant during the summer. Ugh. Stretchy dresses are the best ever!
Larry and I finished our two day child birth marathon classes this weekend. They were very informative, but very tough on my toosh. I can never complain too much about how much sitting for long periods of time really sucks! In addition to being more educated on labor, delivery, breathing, relaxing, pushing, coping with getting this baby out of my body, I am now more nervous about the whole process. I hope that I am strong enough to get this baby into the world. A lot depends on mom....no pressure, no pressure! I am lucky to have such a loving, supportive husband, who I know will be the calm, reassuring partner that I will need to make it through Emma's delivery.
I received clarification that all the times I think Emma is pushing her butt out to the side of my belly is not really Emma at all, but indeed an increase in Braxton Hicks contractions. Supposedly this is great practice for my uterus. I am still not a huge fan of this weird belly pressure, especially when one side of my belly is all lopsided and deformed looking. The "tightness" of these contractions is more desirable than her kicks, which are seriously on a whole new level these days! =) I'm glad she's strong and active, but man, she is killing me! She has learned new combo moves too and will throw in a quick jab after a kick. At least I know she will be able to defend herself on the playground. ;)
For those that know me well, you know that I am a huge planner. I like predictable schedules, things to be laid out for me, certainty. The unknown is like my kryptonite and probably a huge reason why I love working with kids with autism so much because I need a predictable routine just as much as they do! Well, the next few weeks are going to be very unpredictable and there are a lot of unknowns in my future. Surprisingly enough, I am okay with all of this. I am just going to take it one day at a time, enjoy these last precious moments where I really get Emma all to myself, enjoy my students to the fullest during these last days of work, trudge through my remaining classes, and be ready for the unexpected. I will be a mom any day now and there is nothing that I look forward to more than that! It makes everything in between seem manageable. At least it looks that way today.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Heating Pads are the Bomb
With only 4 more weeks (officially 30 days!) until Emma's due date, my body is really taking a beating. I had my 9 month checkup today and all is well. My belly is measuring at 33 cm (I'll be 36 weeks on Friday) so while I am still measuring small, I have caught up a bit. They are still thinking I will have a smaller, but healthy, baby. =) I actually lost 2 pounds since my last appointment, but they said it was normal to plateau around this point, so I'm still hovering around 30 pounds gained so far this pregnancy. Blood pressure was good and baby's heartbeat was nice and strong. She is still head down, getting ready to be born. The weight of her big ol dome down in my pelvis has caused some less than pleasant swelling of the nether regions (see Jenny McCarthy's Belly Laughs for a more vivid description). And P.S. , yes I still think Jenny McCarthy is a moron with all of her autism bulls**t, but her pregnancy book is actually kind of funny. They did the Group B Strep test today and I'll get results at my appointment next week. If it's positive, they just have to give me antibiotics when I am in labor. It's pretty common, not a big deal. I am still thankful to not be exhibiting any swelling in my feet or hands. My belly button is still not sticking out (but it is definitely close to "flat") and I am knocking on wood since I don't have any stretch marks. I know many of my friends did not get them until the last two weeks, so I won't hold my breath to make it through without any.
I have fallen in love with a heating pad at night for my aching lower back and hips, especially after sitting in class last night for 5 hours. I am plagued with poor aching ribs which are probably bruised from all the powerful kicks, but fortunately no cracks or breaks. =) I am definitely slower now and I was told today at work that I definitely have the pregnant waddle going on now. =( This last month will be long, I am sure. I supposedly go on modified work at my job starting next week, which means I will still go to work but be pulled out of the schedule and not working with kids. This will probably be best since my energy level is certainly decreasing. I am trying to wrap everything up early at SDSU so if that goes on schedule, I should have only 3 weeks left of that lovely establishment! =) Larry and I will be attending our Child Birthing classes this weekend from 9-3 on both Saturday and Sunday (yay more sitting for long periods of time). It will be good to do that since I am officially full term now so nothing will be done to stop delivery if Emma decides to come. Man, it is so close! I am very curious to know if the old wives tale about heartburn is true. If it is, Emma should have a TON of hair! =)
I have fallen in love with a heating pad at night for my aching lower back and hips, especially after sitting in class last night for 5 hours. I am plagued with poor aching ribs which are probably bruised from all the powerful kicks, but fortunately no cracks or breaks. =) I am definitely slower now and I was told today at work that I definitely have the pregnant waddle going on now. =( This last month will be long, I am sure. I supposedly go on modified work at my job starting next week, which means I will still go to work but be pulled out of the schedule and not working with kids. This will probably be best since my energy level is certainly decreasing. I am trying to wrap everything up early at SDSU so if that goes on schedule, I should have only 3 weeks left of that lovely establishment! =) Larry and I will be attending our Child Birthing classes this weekend from 9-3 on both Saturday and Sunday (yay more sitting for long periods of time). It will be good to do that since I am officially full term now so nothing will be done to stop delivery if Emma decides to come. Man, it is so close! I am very curious to know if the old wives tale about heartburn is true. If it is, Emma should have a TON of hair! =)
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
35 (and a half) Weeks
My belly looks like an Easter egg!

My little meatball sure feel giant now! I can't believe she is supposed to gain about half a pound a week until she is born! This was my first day back to work after a week off. Clearly it was a long, tiring day!

Larry and I ended the evening at a breastfeeding class. Hopefully I won't have nightmares about it anymore! I am more nervous about feeding than child birth (at least according to my dreams!)
My little meatball sure feel giant now! I can't believe she is supposed to gain about half a pound a week until she is born! This was my first day back to work after a week off. Clearly it was a long, tiring day!
Larry and I ended the evening at a breastfeeding class. Hopefully I won't have nightmares about it anymore! I am more nervous about feeding than child birth (at least according to my dreams!)
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Dear Emma,
I am getting so very excited to meet you! I must admit, the past week has been very challenging for mommy. You seem to have grown a lot lately, so sleeping, moving, sitting....they are all pretty uncomfortable. I try not to get frustrated because I know it will all be worth it in the end. I love feeling you move around, but you sure are a busy baby! Your kicks are getting stronger and sometimes take my breath away. I wonder if you will be a soccer player or a ballerina. =) Your nursery is all ready to bring you home. Your clothes are clean and ready for you to model them all. We have lots of diapers for your booty and just need Daddy to put your carseat in the car for us to be all set to bring you home. I'm not sure if you're going to come early or late, but I ask you very politely to please just give mommy enough time to finish her thesis and school projects so I don't have to complete courses after you are born! It is hard to think about school work with your arrival so close now. I've been more emotional lately about you coming, but I have been waiting so long to meet you! I hope I survive the delivery without too much drama and can't wait to hold you in my arms. Looking forward to giving you lots and lots of kisses, my little meatball!
All my love,
All my love,
Monday, April 6, 2009
Baby Shower #2 and #3 and The Airplane Ride
Emma is a spoiled girl for sure! On Thursday my work had a baby shower for her. The theme was "something for all 4 seasons" so each classroom gave us clothing/supplies based on each season. We also got some incredibly cute little onesies that had our work logo ironed onto them to match our work shirts! Maybe Emma will get special treatment at daycare when she sports one of those! =)
On Friday, I headed off to the San Diego airport to fly up to San Jose for my third baby shower. That was pretty interesting. I checked in my bag so my lard butt wouldn't have to tote it in and out of the restroom, which I knew I would have to use at least 5 times before the plane left. In my carry on bag, which I normally use for school, I apparently had a hidden bottle of apple juice and a pair of scissors, both which ended up in the trash after a bag check was called at the security gates. I was one of the last passengers to board the A group. I could care less when I boarded, as long as I could get an aisle seat. They announced on the loud speaker that they would be pulling passengers out of line as they boarded the plane for random security checks. Apparently I appeared as though I was packing TNT under my shirt, so of course, I got pulled out of line for an additional search. They seriously patted down my fat belly. Wtf?? A man walked by and loudly stated, "Wow, are you kidding me?" After it was deemed that I was not a threat to the flight, I boarded and found a lovely aisle seat at the back of the plane.
Airplane bathrooms and I had some trouble working together. I barely fit inside and my belly was in the way of everything. It was a real pain in the ass. Fortunately I only had to go once for the duration of the flight. As we were landing, I swore Emma was going to bust out of my stomach. She did not appear to be too thrilled with all the pressure change and proceeded to kick the crap out of me. I think I managed to de-board without any broken ribs, but just barely. I had to make a mad dash to the restroom as soon as I got off the plane.
On Saturday I drove to Los Banos with my mom and my Aunt Jan for my third baby shower with all of my family. It was a perfect gathering. I continue to feel very blessed for all of the wonderful people that are in my life and will get to be a part of Emma's. We got very lucky and got almost everything that we need for the baby. Besides a few odds and ends (and a breast pump), we are ready to bring her home at any moment. This child has SOOO many clothes. I hope she is able to wear them all before she gets too big! She is sure going to look super cute! Here are some photos....
I have spent the past few days in Los Banos with the family. My mom will arrive tomorrow morning with a van to pick me up and all of Emma's goodies so we can make the drive back to San Diego. I'm not excited to sit for so long, but there was no other way to bring all this stuff home. Sadly enough, I have to get home by 4, so I can sit in class for 6 hours after spending 5-6 hours in the car. Wooo, I can hardly wait. My mom will stay in San Diego with me for the remainder of the week so we can wash all the baby stuff, organize and put things away, and buy any last minute things that Miss Emma might need. Some days these last few weeks seem to move quickly and other days I feel like I've been thirty-something weeks pregnant forever. According to my blog countdown we only have 39 days to go. When I think of it that way, I get mildly anxious, but I am so very very eager to meet my baby girl.
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