Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Monday, April 27, 2009

Doctor Appointment #578

I feel like if I am not at work or at school, then I have a doctor's appointment! I should have my own personal parking space by now. =) Anyways, the lil' meatball and I are doing well. My weight is still hanging out, blood pressure is great, Emma's heartbeat is nice and strong. They will start doing cervical checks next week (ugh!) since it does not appear as though the baby has "dropped" yet. The bagillion contractions are normal at this point and I should be "grateful for all the practice my uterus is getting". Ha. I am hoping my little germie children at work do not grace me with the swine flu. I am officially on modified work this week, so I should have minimal direct contact with kids. =) 18 days to go.

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