Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Practice, practice, practice

My uterus should be a pro by the time I really go into labor because I have been having so many dang Braxton Hicks contractions, it is ridiculous! Emma gets so grumpy after she is squeezed, so her kicks hurt more than the contractions. They aren't getting closer together, nor do they intensify so I know it is not true labor yet. This bun needs to cook for at least 2 more weeks until my last final is finished!

On a bright note, I had a meeting on Friday with my master's advisor and got my final revisions back for my project. After a few minor changes and binding, I will be finished! Yay! I cannot wait for school to be over. I don't think my stress level is going to go down until I have more things off my plate. Made many checkmarks on the to do list today.

Car seat (the bases at least) installed in the both cars....check
Pack n play assembled.....check
Paper/Video due on Tuesday.....check
Wash Emma's new blanket and clothes....check
Preggy photos with Larry down by the beach....check
Stuff for work....3/4 of a check

As productive as that may seem, here are the items still lingering on the to-do list...
Pack bag for the hospital
Revise master's project, get it bound, and turn it in
Three more projects for school to complete
One big final on May 6th
Complete stuff for work

Ugh, so much to do, so much to do. Most of the stuff is school related. Larry and I are ready for Emma, that's for sure. I wonder how I will handle real labor. I've been having Braxton Hicks on and off the whole time I've been typing this and man, they are just so annoying. They are almost as annoying as the amount of time that I spend in the bathroom lately! I don't think Emma has "dropped" yet either. I went to go pee in the bathroom in our room and I seriously had to pee again by the time I walked to the front of the house! Thank goodness for Costco supplies of toilet paper.....geez!


Mom/Mema said...

I am exhausted just reading this!!!! I can just imagine how tired you are. I am impressed on how much you have gotten done. Try to relax. Let my granddaughter know that she needs to cooperate and "cook" a little bit longer. :-)

Love you,
Mom aka Mema

Anonymous said...

LOL-I remember the pregnant pee well! I am so proud (and envoius :)) of you getting all your school stuff done!

Anonymous said...

Sorry forgot my Love Tif on the anonymous post :)